From my personal review i was able to see the things that went well n my presentation. But also the things in which i should improve upon for my next presentation. The reviews i received have been followed on below:
WWW (What Went Well) -
1) Good animation e.g: Text appearing on screen with different sets of information.
2) Some good research
3) Some key concepts - which has also been linked back.
4) Confident presentation - Faced the audience when doing the presentation.
EBI (Even Better If) -
1) Improved on reading from the board.
2) Make presentations longer.
3) Need to make the information more detail instead of short sentences.
4) Always have a conclusion.
Significance: 3
Structure: 3
Simplicity: 3
Rehearsal: 2 Total: 11
From the information that i have gathered i am able to see the areas in which i can improve upon. I was able to see that my structure was well, only because of the way the slides had been presented & another aspect that went well was being confident through out my presentation. I need to make my presentations longer and detailed. As i only gave the basic information i should expand on relevant information. One thing i need to remember is to include a conclusion towards the end of the presentation to finish and conclude on the information i have given through out.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Reviews On // Bride Wars
The Guardian
Bride Wars is a film about Bloomingdale's, Vera Wang and the Plaza hotel. It is also - at times tangentially - about two former best friends (Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway) who love Bloomingdale's, Vera Wang and the Plaza hotel, but who hate each other on account of booking their respective weddings on the same date at the same place (the Plaza hotel, as luck would have it).
Bride Wars
Production year: 2009
Country: USA
Cert (UK): 12A
Runtime: 89 mins
Directors: Gary Winick
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Bryan Greenberg, Candice Bergen, Chris Pratt, Kate Hudson, Kristen Johnston
"Is there anything better than Vera Wang?" they squeal, although this question is meant rhetorically. Product placements taken care of, director Gary Winick sends the twosome scuttling from boutique to hotel while the jaunty soundtrack reminds us that this is intended as a light, frothy comedy as opposed to, say, the satanic black mass we might otherwise take it for.
Our deepest condolences to Hudson as the ironically named "Liv". Her dead eyes and rouged cheeks suggest she's bypassed the wedding and gone straight to the funeral.
Rotten Tomatoes
Average Rating 3.4/10
There’s a clear outbreak of tit-for-tat hostilities in Bride Wars, a catfight comedy with Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway vying for the same Manhattan wedding slot.
The movie makes a ridiculous ass of itself, but as a run-for-the-hills endurance test for straight men everywhere, it’s almost fascinating.
The gals are best friends who have the question simultaneously popped, but neither will cave – it has to be the Plaza Hotel in June.
Witty put-downs aren’t their thing, or the script’s – instead we have Hudson switching her co-star’s spray-on tan to “blood orange”, and in turn having her hair dyed blue.
To be honest, it’s an improvement – with straight blonde tresses this long, Hudson looks like Cousin It from The Addams Family – but it’s never quite clear why they couldn’t just settle on a joint ceremony. They are – did I mention this? – best friends.
It’s almost a joke that the two grooms are irrelevant action figures. It’s almost the point that the demented logistics of wedding planning crowd out any sincere thought for who is marrying whom, and why.
Bride Wars, in another, better, incarnation, would be an out-and-proud satire on nuptial mania, and would end with Hudson and Hathaway getting civilly partnered.
Sadly, what we get is this Bridezilla-vs-Bridezilla dumb show, and the inevitable Candice Bergen cameo expressing a brusque contempt for the whole business.
Rating: **
Bride Wars reviewed by Mark Kermode
Editorial Rating: **/5
“This fighting is so dumb!” cries one of our battling brides near the close of the combat in this formulaic nuptial comedy. It’s hard to disagree after watching former best friends Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) commit various cruelties in a joyless campaign to derail each other’s wedding, which has been accidentally booked for the same day and venue. Most of this frantic business — e.g., acts of sabotage at tanning and hair salons, a covert effort to expand Liv’s “huge ass” via gifts from the “International Butter Club” — plays more bitter than funny. Actually, it’s not much of an exaggeration to claim that Hathaway’s solipsistic-sister routine in Rachel Getting Married generated more laughs. Director Gary Winick’s decision to ground it all in something resembling real emotions backfires badly since Bride Wars feels too brittle to work as lighthearted farce and too facile and contrived to compete with Hathaway’s far worthier wedding-themed flick. Tulle-crazed viewers with a craving for nuptial porn are better off with marathons on TLC.
Bride Wars is a film about Bloomingdale's, Vera Wang and the Plaza hotel. It is also - at times tangentially - about two former best friends (Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway) who love Bloomingdale's, Vera Wang and the Plaza hotel, but who hate each other on account of booking their respective weddings on the same date at the same place (the Plaza hotel, as luck would have it).
Bride Wars
Production year: 2009
Country: USA
Cert (UK): 12A
Runtime: 89 mins
Directors: Gary Winick
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Bryan Greenberg, Candice Bergen, Chris Pratt, Kate Hudson, Kristen Johnston
"Is there anything better than Vera Wang?" they squeal, although this question is meant rhetorically. Product placements taken care of, director Gary Winick sends the twosome scuttling from boutique to hotel while the jaunty soundtrack reminds us that this is intended as a light, frothy comedy as opposed to, say, the satanic black mass we might otherwise take it for.
Our deepest condolences to Hudson as the ironically named "Liv". Her dead eyes and rouged cheeks suggest she's bypassed the wedding and gone straight to the funeral.
Rotten Tomatoes
Average Rating 3.4/10
There’s a clear outbreak of tit-for-tat hostilities in Bride Wars, a catfight comedy with Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway vying for the same Manhattan wedding slot.
The movie makes a ridiculous ass of itself, but as a run-for-the-hills endurance test for straight men everywhere, it’s almost fascinating.
The gals are best friends who have the question simultaneously popped, but neither will cave – it has to be the Plaza Hotel in June.
Witty put-downs aren’t their thing, or the script’s – instead we have Hudson switching her co-star’s spray-on tan to “blood orange”, and in turn having her hair dyed blue.
To be honest, it’s an improvement – with straight blonde tresses this long, Hudson looks like Cousin It from The Addams Family – but it’s never quite clear why they couldn’t just settle on a joint ceremony. They are – did I mention this? – best friends.
It’s almost a joke that the two grooms are irrelevant action figures. It’s almost the point that the demented logistics of wedding planning crowd out any sincere thought for who is marrying whom, and why.
Bride Wars, in another, better, incarnation, would be an out-and-proud satire on nuptial mania, and would end with Hudson and Hathaway getting civilly partnered.
Sadly, what we get is this Bridezilla-vs-Bridezilla dumb show, and the inevitable Candice Bergen cameo expressing a brusque contempt for the whole business.
Rating: **
Bride Wars reviewed by Mark Kermode
Editorial Rating: **/5
“This fighting is so dumb!” cries one of our battling brides near the close of the combat in this formulaic nuptial comedy. It’s hard to disagree after watching former best friends Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) commit various cruelties in a joyless campaign to derail each other’s wedding, which has been accidentally booked for the same day and venue. Most of this frantic business — e.g., acts of sabotage at tanning and hair salons, a covert effort to expand Liv’s “huge ass” via gifts from the “International Butter Club” — plays more bitter than funny. Actually, it’s not much of an exaggeration to claim that Hathaway’s solipsistic-sister routine in Rachel Getting Married generated more laughs. Director Gary Winick’s decision to ground it all in something resembling real emotions backfires badly since Bride Wars feels too brittle to work as lighthearted farce and too facile and contrived to compete with Hathaway’s far worthier wedding-themed flick. Tulle-crazed viewers with a craving for nuptial porn are better off with marathons on TLC.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Bride Wars (2009) // Research Task

Bride Wars
Best friends Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) have dreamed of the "ideal" wedding since they visited New York City's Plaza Hotel as children. Now, at 26, both become engaged to be married and visit wedding planner Marion St. Claire (Candice Bergen). Plans are made, and then a glitch is discovered: the Plaza Hotel has only one day in June available for wedding festivities. Neither Emma nor Liv will give up plans for their "perfect" wedding at the Plaza Hotel, and they will not consider dual weddings. Now, the fight is on as each tries to destroy the other's wedding plans.
Media Representation...
Two main characters have been shown through out the movie, these include Kate Hudson & Anne Hathaway. The film portrays friendship and the stress over wedding planning you are able to see how they both deal with big situations, not only are they presenting the personality clashes but you can see the reality of the different situations that occur and how they are being solved.
From the begginging of the film you are able to see how both friends dream about having the perfect wedding and this has been represented through a 'blue hair pin' and being able to get married at 'The Plaza' since the age of seven. The film shows how both characters mature in different ways but neither of their plans change for the future. Once both characters mature and become engadged they soon relize that things are not what they seem to be, it is shown that once the wedding planning starts and they want to have the same things both characters become 'bitchy' to one another. Therefore both characters have been represented as bitchy and so on. Which means you can see that certain things can get in the away of friendships. The way the friends are being represented are letting the audience relate to certain situations through the movie which means reality is also shown through this with the sense of comedy.
Media Languages & Forms...
You are able to see the non verbal text through the clothing and the facial expressions also the environment can be included within this text. As the film is a comedy facial expressions are extremly important. As these will give audiences the sense of when to laugh and what the situation is about. You are able to tell alot from ones expression on their face and this is shown through out the movie. You are able to see the ups and the downs. In some ways you could say without any sound you are still able to understand what is happening through out the film. You can see the happy moments through facial expressions and the body language as both characters will interact with eachother through hugs, smiles days out and so on. You can also see the anger when both become competitive with the wedding plans, you can see how disappointed they are with eachothers actions & lastly you can see the sad emotions that are given when both relize they have lost a long term friendship over wedding plans. The mise en scene has also been shown as both characters show the luxuary through their wedding plans. They want to have the best which means the setting has been set in the best places such as 'The Plaza'. The lighting through out the movie is light as a comedy they have to show the calmness in the movie which makes it different to genres such as horror. The music that has been played is set with what is happening in the surroudings. Such as when a sad moment is shown in the film calm music is being played so the scene is set in the right mood and this is the same with the happy scenes the right type of music is played with the mood of the setting and the scene. Their were many types of camera angles used int he movie. Close ups has been used on the facial expressions of Kate & Anne also long shots were used in most of the movie to show the setting of what had been going through out the movie.
The film starts of by showing how the girls were when they were younger the main part of the film has been based around a 'blue hair pin' in which they disscussed as children how they wanted their weddings to be and were their weddings should be. Both friends have been best friends since childhood days, they were proposed to by their boyfriends on the same day, so they start planning their weddings together. By using the same Marion St. Claire who is one of the best wedding planners. With using her help they plan the wedding at The Plaza, Having her secretarys mistake on her hands both girls wedding has been set for the same date and time. Once they find this out no one wants to change their date so they both become enemies, trying to sabotage the others wedding. You can see how both characters become villans at one stage as they set out to ruin the rivals wedding, but then you can see when they become heros and relise that both should not be doing this as they have been friends since childhood. The whole film is set around weddings, you can see the theme of the movie through this, not only that but the name of the movie also gives this away 'Bride Wars'.
The genre of the film is comedy and romance, this is shown through the film with the various settings, body language and so on. You can see the comedy side of the film with the two bestfriends and their actions against one another. Such as the competition that plays a big role in the movie you can also see the slap stick comedy coming through & the romance is shown through the weddings and the love between both characters partners. One thing that has not changed in this romcom is Kate Hudson. She has stared in many comedy films, she has won nominations and sets a great spirt. Even though the film is set to be a romance many critics have asked this question why? this is mainly because they seem to think that not much romance has been shown around the movie at all.
The director of Bride Wars is Gary Winick.
The two main cast were: Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway
The Writers were: Greg Depaul and Casey Wilson
Media Institution...
The production company is Firm Films they have produced films such as Big Momma's house, The Devil's Reject and The Exorcism of Emily Rose & so on. The distriubtors of the film are 20th century fox & they have distributed many films. Because of this the audince are able to see that the film was made on a high budget therefore they are reassured that the film will be at a high standard so its worth watching.
Media Audiences...
The film is seen to target all ages as in the UK it has been given a certificate of PG. This is mainly because the comedy has slapstick which means the younger audience will enjoy it aswell as the older audeince. Who will enjoy most of as to the story line. I was drawn to this movie mainly because of the genre i enjoy watching comedy films and these type of films do appeal to me. I would relate this movie to films such as 27dresses, pretty women, my best friends wedding and many more. These are films i was viewed which have similarities to Bride Wars.
Additional Information On 'Bride Wars'...
Release Date - 9th Jan 2009
Tagline - Even bestfriends can't share the same wedding day.
Award - One win & Six nominations.
Trivia - Several wives and girlfriends of current Red Sox players were extras in the wedding shower scene.
Soundtrack - Lively Scherzo
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